Wheelchair pilgrim, that is how I have called myself since I have been pilgriming in my wheelchair.
But what is that, a wheelchairpilgrim? For me, it is someone (me in this case) who is on a pilgrimage and does not travel by foot or on foot but by wheelchair.
Since 2016 I have been rolling with my wheelchair in stages towards Santiago de Compostella. A bit further every year.
When I am on the road, I try to write a daily report here.
You can read those of previous years below:
2016 from Haarlem (NL) to Den Bosch (NL)
2017 from Den Bosch (NL) to Maastricht (NL)
2018 from Maastricht (NL) to Reims (France)
2019 Reims to Vezelay/Avallon.
2020 Avallon to Taizé
2021 Taizé to le Puy-en-Velay
2022 Le-Puy-en-Velay to Rocamadour
2023 Pilgrimage in the Netherlands.
2024, rocamadour, lourdes Pamplona, Logroño. See my blog for the most recent information (in Dutch, but you can translate it in your browser or here)
Here is a map with the route I have rolled in recent years. The roads are (unfortunately) slightly different from the rolled route, but the indicated place names are correct.
Because I go by wheelchair and not by bicycle or on foot, there are no special books for this route.
That is why I map out my own route. Often, I use the official routes, for example, the names of the towns but not the paths between them.
Also follow Rolstoelpelgrim on social media:
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